Pvp texture pack 1.14.4
Pvp texture pack 1.14.4

pvp texture pack 1.14.4

Additionally, there are patches for the Compliance 64x resource pack for Minecraft Modpacks, which allows players to use the pack while playing with mods. Moreover, a good number of add-ons are available for download. The team members now enjoy greater freedom in their work, which ensures that similar problems are avoided in the future in the Compliance pack.

pvp texture pack 1.14.4

The split presented an opportunity for the team members to showcase their design skills more effectively, as some were dissatisfied with the textures created by the old project leader Vizzy in the past. They started this project under the name Compliance 64x texture pack and renamed it to Faithful 64x. This behavior was too much for some members, and they eventually split from the team, creating their own projects. He became too powerful in his position and started permanently banning team members who disagreed with him on the team’s discord.

pvp texture pack 1.14.4

However, at some point, the team’s harmony was disrupted as the project leader began to exhibit megalomaniacal tendencies. Faithful was developed by a large team for some years.

Pvp texture pack 1.14.4